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The Journey - Day 1 & 2

Nothing can prepare you for the next days and moments to come. It comes and goes in waves for me. I am numb throughout the day but every now and then i will start to cry. We leave the house together, hand-in-hand because we are the only thing holding each other up from collapsing into a puddle of sorrow and deep regret. That is when you realize that life goes on, and it is going on all around you. All while you are screaming inside and no one knows that less than 24hrs ago, you have just endured the most tragic loss. You all of a sudden notice babies at every corner and cute carseat covers and baby coos and tiny onesies and you can't help but imagine the life you were so close to obtaining. It hurts. Like everyone is there to rub it in your face while they laugh about a funny joke someone just told and all the while, you are so empty inside. "Don't they know??" "Does anyone even care??" I hate leaving the house. I have to get items and food and i have to
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The Experience

Hi, my name is Bridgette and I have been happily married for five and a half years. My husband is a nurse and we both work in the medical field but nothing can prepare you for what we were about to experience next. I want to share with you my personal journey through a miscarriage, as i experience it in the now and journey through the grieving process. And I'm hoping to also gain therapeutic healing as i share all of my experiences with you. I hope you can gain some comfort in knowing you are not alone. 1 in 4 women will miscarry atleast once in their lifetime. While i know this today, it does not lighten the blow that hits you when you lose the very life you have planned and prepared for and imagined a future with. And the worst part, when you finally decide it is "safe" to reveal your pregnancy to family and friends, only to lose your baby shortly after... So here is my story and the beginning of my journey.  Our announcement Words cannot express the feeling of